
Sami Güler

Electrical & Electronics Engineer

Software Developer

With almost 30 years experience. etc..

About me

I was born on 05 November 1966 in İmranlı district of Sivas in Turkey . I completed my primary, secondary and high school education in the same place. In 1991,

I graduated from METU Gaziantep Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics.

Immediately after graduation, I came to Denmark through marriage. After staying there for two years, I started working as an R&D Engineer at TESTAŞ Ankara Facilities in 1993.

Then I came back to Denmark. In 1997, I worked on "Concurrent Programming" in the "Electronics and Computer Engeneering" department at the Copenhagen University College of Engineering.

In 1999, I joined the "Dansk Microsoftware" company as "System Developer". In this company, we produce database-supported systems for some public institutions in Denmark, maintain and monitor them.

I worked in the companies mentioned as system developer respectively: Aveleo Aps, KMD, Gibotech, Unik and Dopago 

I live in Odense. I am married and have 3 daughters.